How Often Should I Clean My Hair System?

The ‘Clean’ here refers to taking the hair system off your head to clean it thoroughly instead of shampooing it in a shower with it on your head. So here is the question: How often should I clean my hair system properly?

The frequency of cleaning your hair system depends on many factors including the base material, the glue or tape you attach it with, if you wear it during exercise, the current climate, and your own preference. Here is how we suggest you clean your hair system for each base:

Lace Base Hair System

lace toupee

Lace is a very delicate material and it can offer you a natural hairline. For the lace base hair system, the knots in the front hairline are bleached to make them more invisible. Handle the lace carefully to avoid tearing it.

When you attach a lace base hair system onto your head, never apply the glue directly onto the base as it will penetrate through the base and stick to the hair, which is not easy to remove. The best method is to apply the glue on your head first. Let it dry for about 10 minutes and when it feels a little tacky, then you can put the hair system on carefully.

If you use tape to attach it, you can use a Lace Front Tape which is specifically designed for lace bases.

Considering the glue or adhesive might go through the mesh base into the hair, we suggest you don’t wear it for longer than two weeks.

Skin Base Hair System

skin toupee

There are several kinds of skin bases and the major difference between them is the base thickness. They range from 0.03mm to 0.14mm. Our ‘Ultra-thin Skin’ base is only 0.03mm thick and requires expert care to create. It is super delicate and requires you to handle it gently. We don’t recommend you use tape to apply the Ultra-thin skin base, because it will tear the base when you take it off. Instead, you can use glue or liquid adhesive to attach it.

For a skin hair system, we suggest you wear it no more than 5-6 weeks. With a continuous and long time wearing, the base will build up bacteria or dirt inevitably and this will shorten the lifespan of the hair system.

Monofilament Base Hair System

mono hair systems

Monofilament material is much stronger and more durable than lace and skin bases. Usually a monofilament base is constructed with skin around the perimeter. A monofilament base hair system can last 6-12 months, but it needs to be cleaned and reattached. For the cleaning frequency, we suggest every 5-6 weeks.

The skin, also known as poly skin, used on the monofilament base is comparatively stronger so you can use glue or tape to attach it on the head. It can also be removed very easily.

The frequency of removing the hair system and giving it a thorough cleanness really varies from people to people. Some people prefer to remove it daily while some prefer to let it on for a few weeks. Also it depends on what glue or tape you use to attach your hair system. Take Ultra Hold tape and Ghost bond glue for example. Ultra hold tape can last you 2-4 weeks while Ghost bond can last you 6 weeks. So by knowing this, you can choose the bonding methods based on your own preferrence and need. 

toupee attachment method

When you remove the hair system, make sure you use adhesive removers to help remove it. Below are the most popular removal products that people use and you also can find them on with a low price. 


Any questions about men's hair systems and how to tips, please feel free to contact us through and we are very happy to help you out.

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