Would the Weather Affect Your Wearing Experience of Hair Systems?

November 10, 2020 Hair Replacement for Men Views: 3050

Different climates and lifestyles make big difference when it comes to wearing a hair system. How does weather affect your wearing experience of a hair system specifically? Let’s see how Jake says about his personal experience of wearing a hair system in super humid Florida and dry Utah.


Florida is very hot. Most of the days in the summer can be in the 90s or even hotter than that depending on where you live. As you can imagine that is extremely hot. If you don't have the right type of hair system, if you have a hair system that is not breathable, it can be absolutely miserable. It can be something that you just do not enjoy whatsoever and that was my first-hand experience with my first two units. They were polythene skins and they were just incredibly uncomfortable because of the fact that I was overheating. I absolutely had to change into a french lace poly hybrid.


The other thing about Florida is that it's very humid. The humidity there is probably 60 to 80 percent all the time where I lived especially it was right on the coast so we constantly had that humid air. The humidity I feel like really attacked the bonds on the hair system and it's the type of place if you've ever been where no matter what you do like if you take a shower you come out you dry yourself off it feels like you're still in the shower. That's literally how it felt all the time and I really think that actually affects the bonds. Both the heat and the humidity really affect bonds. Those are not the conditions that work best for adhesives. I did use over in Florida was a poly border with tape the reason being that the tape seems to hold up better for me in humid environments and hot environments. When I'm sweating and I'm heating up, the tape up here it gets hot but the other issue is that the adhesive seems to liquefy a little bit at hotter temperatures. If you guys have ever had any problems with hair glue leaking, it's not something I miss and it can really just be super anxiety producing and it's not fun.


Well, in Utah, the temperature here right now is probably in the 60s as opposed to the 80s 90s or even up in the 100 degree range in Florida. That is a huge difference when it comes to hair systems and adhesives that temperature alone has made such a difference. I'm going to experiment with wearing a full thin skin while working out while doing any of that stuff to see how it actually holds up. I have a feeling that the weather here might be good enough for me to get away with a polythene skin which could be really cool. So the temperature is completely different and during the winter it'll probably get down to about 30 degrees which I can't wait to see how long the bond lasts when we're in winter.


The other factor the humidity, it's extremely dry. The adhesives work so much better. I have had this bond on for probably two weeks and back in Florida, I go like 10 days max. Sometimes every single seven days, I will go ahead and I have to redo my hair system. I actually have a ton of support here and the adhesive is working great even after like two weeks so that's something that I think is really going to make a difference. I'm excited to experiment with I can actually go a little bit longer just to see how it holds up. I'm super excited about that because one that's less maintenance which takes overall less time out of my life. Number two, it also saves wear and tear on the system itself because that's probably one of the most taxing things that you can do is use all of those chemicals and take it on, take it off all that kind of stuff. I think it's going to be a way easier life with a hair system.


Overall living in a hotter and more humid environment is definitely going to be more taxing on your hair system while living in a colder and drier area is definitely going to be a much easier experience with your hair system.

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