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Testing Hair Systems in Caribbean Heat: Insights and Tips

June 26, 2024

My recent vacation in the Caribbean offered the perfect chance to test my hair systems in harsh environments due to the region’s severe heat and humidity. I had the opportunity to thoroughly monitor how my hair systems handled the particular difficulties presented by the Caribbean environment for a duration of two and a half weeks. This is a thorough description of what I saw and the priceless insights I discovered.


The Ideal Evaluation Site
The Caribbean provided an ideal environment for testing hair systems. It was a climate that drove my hair systems to their limits, with temperatures always hovering about 31°C (approximately 90°F) and exceptionally high UV levels. The problem was exacerbated by the unrelenting humidity and continual exposure to chlorine and saltwater. I played around with the Tyler Silk Hair System and an ultra-thin skin system from Vivid Hair Systems. Below is a summary of the main understandings I acquired:

1. Make use of sturdy tape
The significance of utilizing strong tape was one of the most important discoveries I made. In a hot, muggy environment, the correct adhesive may make all the difference in keeping your hair system intact. Walker Lace Frontal and Sunshine Tape Lace Frontal were the two tape varieties I tried, and both performed better than I had anticipated.


For the majority of my trip, I wore the Tyler Silk Hair System secured with Sunshine Tape. Remarkably, the tape held firm for 11 days straight without any issues. This was despite the fact that I was sweating profusely every day and frequently immersing myself in both the sea and the swimming pool. The Sunshine Tape held up like cement, providing a secure bond that didn’t falter under the extreme conditions.

In contrast, the ultra-thin skin system I wore initially relied on glue for adhesion. After just four days, I began to experience lifts due to the excessive sweating. The glue simply couldn’t withstand the constant moisture and heat. This stark difference highlighted the superior performance of strong tape over glue in maintaining a secure hold in challenging climates.

2. Prioritize Lace Over Poly
Another critical lesson I learned was the importance of prioritizing lace bases over poly bases in hot and humid conditions. The breathability of the base material is paramount in such climates, and lace far outperforms poly in this regard.

The Tyler system features a silk base with a lace frontal, which allowed my scalp to breathe and sweat to pass through easily. This prevented the bond from loosening and kept my scalp comfortable and odor-free. The breathability of the lace base was a game-changer, especially compared to the ultra-thin skin system. The poly base of the ultra-thin skin system trapped sweat, leading to a weakened bond and unpleasant odors.


Wearing a lace base system like the Tyler made a significant difference in comfort and durability. My scalp felt much cooler, and the system remained securely attached even after multiple dips in the pool and the sea. The lace base’s ability to allow airflow and wick away moisture is indispensable in hot, humid climates.

3. Base Thickness Matters Less
Contrary to what one might expect, the thickness of the base material in lace systems is less important than its breathability. Initially, I was concerned that the Tyler system’s thicker base might be uncomfortable in the Caribbean heat. However, my experience proved otherwise.

Despite its thicker construction, the Tyler system was comfortable and durable. It withstood daily exposure to seawater, chlorine, and intense sunlight without any issues. The key takeaway here is that a well-made, breathable lace base, regardless of its thickness, can perform exceptionally well in hot and humid conditions. The robustness of the Tyler system provided excellent durability while still allowing my scalp to breathe, making it ideal for such climates.

Bonus Tip: Avoid Greasy Sunscreen
One unexpected challenge I encountered was the effect of sunscreen on my hair system. Sunscreen can make your hair system greasy, leading to a less appealing appearance and clumping of the hair. To avoid this, use an Alice band to keep your hair back while applying sunscreen. Alternatively, carefully apply sunscreen with your hands to avoid getting it on your hair system. This simple precaution can prevent the greasy look and help maintain the appearance of your hair system.

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