My name is Jake Kent. I grew up in upstate New York inside of the US. From a young age, I had a really big fear of losing my hair.
My father was bald in my entire life and my brother, my stepbrother, didn't share the same Dad, used to tease me about one thing. He’s only ten years older than me, so he was really big, and he was my idol, but he would always tease me and say that I was going to lose my hair. From a young age, this left a scar and a fear inside of me. I know by the time that I turned twenty-one or twenty-two that I would start losing my hair.
I came home from a two-month-long trip, and my friends saw me for the first time. They were saying ‘Jake, looks like you're getting a little thin up there’ and it scared me.
It scares me so much. It scared me so much that I was in complete denial, and I just shoved it to the back of my head for years. I was twenty-six at the time I woke up one morning. It looked like I had absolutely no hair on the top of my head. It bothered me. You know, for years before that I had really started to hide away from people, I started becoming more introverted, being less of the life of the party and quieter, and I didn't really realize, but it was all connected to my hair.
I'm not joking when I say it was something that bothered me every single day. I really didn't like the way that I looked, and I didn't feel that I deserved to have a beautiful partner that I loved, respected and was attracted to.
I wasn't even attracted to myself. That hurts to say. I was about to get a hair transplant a couple of years later until I realized I was going to have to take drugs, I was going out to take finasteride for the rest of my life. If I wanted to keep my hair in his current stay from ever getting worse. For me, that became an instant No.
I didn't want to put my body through consistent use of a drug finasteride that potentially had some side effects. This isn't to say that you or anybody else will get side effects. That may be a great option for you, but for me, it wasn't something that I wanted to entertain.
A couple of days later. I was looking online and I saw a video of someone getting a hair system attached. I saw them completely bald on the top of their head, and then this hair system was laid on top of them. It was cut in and they walked away from the salon and they looked amazing and I thought to myself ‘my gosh, Is this possible? Is this real life? Can I actually have this?’ So I immediately started searching for more and more, and I found out that this was a thing that was starting to gain some popularity.
This was something that was possible. Finally, I found someone that could help me along my hair system journey. Now when I walked out of that salon for the first time, I changed like that Instantly. I instantly felt more confident, I instantly felt more attractive.
I think this is possible for you to you may be going through a lot. You may feel as if You are more than how you look that you are being limited by your hair loss. It could be so traumatic. Not a lot of people understand this, but for those who suffer from hay or loss, it can be so traumatic and we understand that we understand that, which is why we are here to help this.
E-course is here to help. So please take notes to go through this E-course multiple times. If you need it, use it however you can and enjoy your new life with hair.
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