Yes, we’ve all come across a man with a man-bun toupee. That gentleman of a certain age who goes around wearing something on top of his head that makes him stand out of the crowd. He looks like a real gentleman.
As a bald man myself, I had wondered if this was something I could adopt.
You see, back in my early twenties I had some stressful chapters that, coupled with a natural tendency for baldness, made me one day wake up in the worst scenario. One morning, at the ripe age of 21 years old, I saw the most shocking image the mirror could show me… a huge receding line that crossed my forehead from one side to the other.
Imagine me. A young man, just coming out of a very heartfelt separation (girlfriend just left) and just out of nowhere, the exuberant mane that I used to have, had simply just gone.
First I thought that It wasn’t happening. Well, it wasn’t happening to me, at least. That I was having some sort of sickness and rather sooner than later I’d be having my hair back. A couple of months of anxiety and bad sleep went by and nothing happened.
Then I felt angry. How could this happen to me?
It wasn’t long before I started exploring solutions. I started wearing hats and beanies, but I didn’t feel it was effective in improving my overall true appearance. So I searched and came across a skin hair system on lavividhair.com and it is an European hair toupee called Cronus Men’s Hair System.
I understood I was bald, accepted myself despite all the negative self-image thoughts. I decided start wearing a toupeeand hats with fun and gusto.
Wearing a hair replacement systemto make it to a bun had become a statement of fashion, and my friends would make opinions on whether this toupee would suit me better than others, making any social gathering both fun and entertaining. Suddenly, my worst enemy, which was my baldness, became my best friend.
“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like an armour. And it will never be used against you.” Tyrion Lannister. This related to the toupee and what it had done for me.
After adopting the hair toupee into my lifestyle, I have learnt a lot and I would like to share some top tips with you so that you can adopt the man-bun toupee easier:
As I know a lot of men focus on their own appearance. A man-bun toupee should not be different than a hat or an attire that brings out the best in you regarding elegance or style.
Where should you wear aman-bun toupee? Any social gathering.
When should you wear a man-bun toupee? I always consider having several so I can: 1) Play on the circumstances. 2) Have for spare in case you have to wash or fix one.
How should you wear a man-bun toupee? With elegance and grace, how else?
But here is the most important factor:
Why should you wear a man-bun toupee? Because you want to. Because it is your desire and no one else´s. Not because you want to fit in, not because you want to impress, and not because you want to feel better about yourself. As ironic as it may seem, But simplybecause you feel like it.
If you are considering wearing the man-bun toupee, I say go for it. It is super trendy and a conversation-starter!
For those without baldness or hair thinning issues, the man-bun toupee is perfect for you too! You see, not every man with hair (or thick hair for that matter), can have hair that specifically fits and it perfect for a man-bun.
Yes, you can head to your hairdresser to structure your hair cuts in order to prepare for a man-bun, but the stages in between makes your hair look awkward. Either you wear a beany and sweat it out, or you consider to pin it up somehow. Wearing a men's wig will not affect your normal life. You can still take a bath, swim, and exercise. Using our professional glue, you can keep your wig on your head for 4-5 weeks without falling.
If you lack the time or patience to grow your hair out into a man-bun, or your place of work is against you growing your hair out, this makes you an ideal candidate for the man-bun toupee.
If you have any questions about our man bun toupee, please feel free to contact support@lavividhair.com and our experts will help you.
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