We are going to illustrate the very each special aspect that makes LaVivid hair system outstanding and different than other products. In this chapter, we will talk about hair direction of a hair system and why it plays an important role in making a hair system look natural and just like your own hair.
Before we talk about the toupee hair direction, first we need to know what each part of a man’s scalp is called. Check below picture:
There are three main regions when we talk about making a hair system or hair transplant and they are Forelock, Midscalp and Crown or Vertex.
Forelock, also called frontal region, is the section of your hair that’s in the front and center. If you are experiencing male pattern baldness, this is one of the first place that you notice some changes.
Midscalp is the middle portion of your scalp. You might will notice some change in this area is you are at a late stage of male pattern hair loss.
Vertex transition point is more of a zone between your Midscalp and your crown. This is the section where your head shape starts to slant upward toward the crown.
Crown is the highest point on your scalp toward the back of your head, which is also called vertex. Some people start to lose hair in their crown area.
Now we know how each section of people’s scalp is called. However, there is another section on the scalp which is very important and this is very important especially in hair system making. The thing we are talking about is the Hair Whorl.
A hair whorl is a patch of hair growing in a circular direction around a visible center point. Hair whorls, also known as crowns, swirls, or trichoglyphs, can be either clockwise or counterclockwise in direction of growth.
Just because of the hair whorl, so there comes the term hair direction. Hair grows clockwise or counter-clockwise around the hair whorl. When it comes to making a hair system, it is extremely important to follow this pattern too. So when you wear the hair system, it will look natural. To achieve this pattern, the workman needs to have at least 5 years experience in hair system knotting and high technique armed. In this way, we can make sure the hair whorl looks as natural as ours.
Here at LaVivid, we offer 7 hair direction patterns and they are:
For a free style hair system, you can change the hair direction anywhere you want. You can change it to a middle part, left part or a right part. According to the direction of the hair, you can ask your hair stylist to help you cut out different styles of hair, and change your hairstyle every once in a while to keep you charming. While for the first 6 hair direction patterns, if a hair system is made that way, it is not very easy to change the hair direction because the hair was knotted in that way and it will not look very natural even when you changes it. So if you are sure you want a specific hair direction when you order, then you can choose one like that. If you want to change it, just order a free style one.
You also can define the hair direction yourself. We can custom make any hair direction you want. If you have any questions regarding lavivid hair system, please feel free to contact us at support@lavividhair.com and we will help you out.
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