Hairpieces seem to be the most successful remedy to hair loss in men today, so much so that they are used to stay fashionable and change hairstyles beyond just concealing baldness. Still, the basics of hair pieces still elude many men. What are the best types of hair pieces for men and how do you select one that is just right for you? This shouldn’t be a difficult subject, so pay attention as you read on.
One thing is certain. Whether you know what hairpiece is good or not, you want to wear one that keeps your baldness or whatever hair loss you have a secret. ‘Undetected’ is the word used to describe this. Fortunately, it is on this basis that hairpieces were designed for men to look as natural as possible. This is why we can easily say that the best types of men’s hairpieces are those that give a rather ‘real’ appearance.
With all these, hairpieces do vary in appearance and this variation is dependent on the level of craftsmanship employed in its make-up and the type of materials used. What materials make up the best hairpieces?
What’s Really in Your Hairpiece?
It really isn’t ideal to point out this material or that one and say it is the best and everyone should opt-in for it. We all have different types of hair and skin and preferences. Your hair need at a particular time will also influence what hairpiece is best for you at that moment. Your #1 rule in deciding whether or not a hairpiece is the best for you is whether or not it can meet your hair need.
The Base Material
Naturally, your hair sprouts out of your skin, right? Hairpieces also have their ‘skin’ material and this is what the base is. It is the foundation of the hair system into which the hair is tied or injected. The base material is important because it provides the foundation for a realistic hairpiece.
Pro-tip: The thinner the base the more natural it looks. Today, hairpieces are commonly found with bases made out of mesh, polymer or both.
Polymer hairpiece base
Bases made using polyurethane or silicone are the polymer bases. They particularly mimic the appearance of the skin. This material is found in the more durable hair systems. Polymers are usually easier to attach to the head and are less expensive when compared to the mesh base. However, they can cause a lot of discomfort as they reduce heat loss from the scalp, causing it to be hot and sweaty.
Pro-tip: To get the best of synthetic base, opt-in for those with a lace front, they look more natural.
Mesh Fabric
This is more expensive to purchase because it provides the most natural and undetectable hairline without discomfort. The nylon or polyester material used to make the mesh appear natural, but it is not ideal for long-term use and have to be replaced more regularly.
The Hair
Undoubtedly, the best types of men's hairpieces are made using quality human hair. With hairpieces, the more expensive it is, the more quality you get.
European hair of different colours, wave and texture are on top of the price list. Dark Asian hair, although quite strong, have gone through repeated dying and colouring, which causes them to become brittle. This weakens their quality and puts them down in the price list.
Human hair, however fragile, can be salvaged. If maintained properly, it can last up to a year. You can and should style it constantly, and it is okay to use heat to aid styling human hair hairpieces.
Synthetic hairs are not as durable as human hair. But, they generally require less attention and care once they've been fixed. They are still in the list of the best hairpiece materials for men because quality synthetic hair doesn't only look like human hair but feels like it. They are the perfect alternative especially for those who like changing their hairstyle regularly.
Hairpieces, Wigs or Toupees
We mentioned earlier that hairpieces vary in appearance, but a hairpiece is a hairpiece, not a wig.
These words are often used interchangeably as though they all refer to one thing, but they actually represent different things. Before you conclude that the difference is inconsequential, how can you tell a good hairpiece if you can’t clearly define a hairpiece?
Bluntly, hairpieces are different from wigs. Hairpieces are made to mask hair loss, wigs just cover them. Everything from custom made hair systems, hair extensions to toupees fall under the category of hairpieces. What you will see hanging down in your local store is a wig. Wigs cover your hair completely from front to back and are typically out of fashion for men. Hairpieces, on the other hand, are usually made to cover smaller portions of your head to blend seamlessly with your original hair.
Another difference is that hairpieces are affixed to the scalp with the aid of adhesives or clips. This makes them semi-permanent, while wigs can be removed at any time and require minimum effort to be taken off. So a toupee is a hairpiece and a wig is a wig. Cool?
The Best Hairpieces in Trend
Full Men's French Lace Stock Hairpieces
For those who need a full hair coverage from baldness and want this to be undetected at the same time, this hairpiece with full French lace and its base will give you the best experience once you match it your hair type. Also, it is the most breathable hair system, if you exercise regularly and sweat, it is the best choice.
Ultra-thin Skin Looped Hair System
As though thin isn't enough, this hyper-realistic hairpiece has the thinnest base in the market. It looks super-natural and you'd almost be convinced that it is your original hair.If you want the most natural hair pieces, it is a good choice.
Hairpiece with Super-Thin Mesh and Lace Front
You can tell that this should be one of the best men's hairpieces from the title. A mesh that is thin will go undetected. Combining this with a lace front means you can enjoy a very natural look with this hair system. So if you have a receding hairline, take advantage of this piece.
If you need any assistance in picking a right style for you, please feel free to contact support@lavividhair.com and our experts will help you out.
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