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All You Need to Know About Male Pattern Hair Loss

April 10, 2020

While male pattern hair loss is a common problem affecting over 50Million men in the US, its effects can be psychologically devastating on victims. The exact cause of the problem is mostly genetic but it can also be driven by other non-related factors. Regardless of the cause, there are dozens of approaches fashioned to understand the root cause of this problem. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention of androgenetic alopecia.

men's hair losshair loss

Symptoms of male pattern baldness

The loss of hair from certain parts of the skull where it used to grow is the general characteristic of male pattern baldness. However, it’s not as straightforward as other complications like skin cancer may manifest in the same way. Some are temporary and usually go away on their own in a few months. Others are permanent and have small beginnings. With time, specific parts of the skull, small or large, maybe encroached. The following are the four major classes of signs common across the affected population:

•Thinning on top of the head

This is the most common type of hair loss in men. It typically takes a lot of time to go full circle. You’ll notice a small decrease in the density of hair starting from the forehead area. This can be accompanied by hair falling during showers or while combing. The progression advances and the volume of lost hair increases with time. The earliest hit is on the frontal hairline which begins to adapt the shape of letter M.

A clear ridge proceeds to cut across the mid-upper head area, leaving a small island near the forehead. This is lost with time as a uniform, oval patch melts over the sides and the back of the head, above the neck.

•Patchy balding

Characterized by smooth, hairless spots, this type of hair loss is predominant on the back or the sides of the scalp. It’s hard to notice and mostly hits you by surprise. In some rare cases, this may be accompanied by itching or pain in the affected area. While the number may not be definite, it usually starts in one area before moving to another. It looks disturbing although it’s likely to resolve on its own.

•Loose hair

As gimmicky as it may sound, you can tell how tight your hair is planted on the skull. For instance, during showers, hair may feel unusual and you may pull out a bunch. The exact cause of this sign is not well known. Most dermatologists attribute this to sudden physical or emotional shock.

•Full-body hair loss

Hands, legs and chest areas may begin thinning as an accompanying trait of balding. This is less common in most men as they only lose hair on the scalp. External stimulants like chemotherapy radiations may be a more likely cause.

Causes of alopecia

Any underlying complications that disrupt normal hair growth cycles can cause male pattern baldness. Below is an assorted list of probable triggers:


Hair grows in cycles of 3-6 years. During this time, the follicle is long and deep. In turn, thicker, well-pigmented hair is produced. Most of the hair, about 90%, are in the growth phase at any given time. There are two other cycles, which we will not discuss here, that follow in the next 3-6 months.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone believed to shorten the growth phase of hair. The level of DHT production is genetically dictated. Consequently, the higher the level, the lesser the number of hairs in the first phase. You can see how this catches up with time. When you begin losing more hair than you grow, balding begins. As it stands, this is the most common bone of contention.

•Medical conditions

Certain advanced terminal illnesses drugs for cancer, depression, cardiac and diabetes may trigger hair loss. They cause hormonal imbalances which last during the entirety of their usage.


Yes, you heard that right. Hair grows in bunches inside follicles. By putting a large number of hair follicles into the resting phase, replacement is blocked. This causes a sudden fall out when combing or washing.

An irresistible urge to pull hair from your scalp and other parts of the body is another sign of stress caused by hair loss. This can be as a result of intense emotions and loneliness. In serious cases, a similar condition known as alopecia Areata causes the body’s immune system to attack hair follicles leading to baldness.

Treatment of baldness in men

If the loss of hair is placing a toll on your self-esteem, I have good news for you. There following is a list of available treatment options:


This is the most convenient, safest way of countering your hair loss. There are a ton of companies that have dived into this space with just as much variety. is a reputable online men’s wig store with high quality, natural-looking products. To regain your lush hair instantly, they offer the best non-surgical solutions. Each piece is handcrafted to meet specific individual needs. Regardless of the shape of your head or color, you are set to find a compatible unit for you.

male pattern hair loss

Excellent results and safety are the two main advantages of using hairpieces to rehabilitate your balding spots.

•Hair transplant

As the name suggests, this is a surgical technique to help regrow lost hair. Hair from denser parts of the scalp, such as the back of the head, is transplanted to affected areas. Great results have been achieved using this method. However, it is expensive and carries the risk of permanent scarring and infection. It’s also done in stages and takes months to see a tangible outcome.


Initially developed as a high blood pressure control drug, Rogaine later showed significant results in restoring lost scalp hair. A topical formula is now available for the same. The drug improves blood flow, thus nutrient supply within the area it’s applied, promoting hair growth. A strict application routine must be followed consistently if sizable growth is to be realized. To retain growth, the formula must be used continuously.

•Innovative hairstyle

Some cuts may help mask the extent of balding or thinning. This has a close relationship with the shape of a man’s head as well.

Prevention of male pattern hair loss

There is no known way of preventing male pattern baldness. If you are still enjoying your grace period, ensure to keep stress at a minimum. Physical activities such as walking, running, and weight lifting can help relax your mind. Good sleep is also key to stress reduction and for the promotion of healthy hair growth. Avoid junk food at all costs. Prepare food in natural oil, and avoid various other brands of oil, add minerals and add vitamins and other substances.


Maintaining a healthy body and mind while sticking to a highly nutritious diet with all macros will help promote better hair development and prevent or slow down the loss. Once the cat is out of your hands, you need not worry. Affordable, high quality, easy to access wigs and hairpieces are a perfect fix. They look natural and can fit your color and style. Head over to to grab your perfect piece. There’s currently a 10% off offer running. But hey, pssssssstt, don’t tell anyone! Cheers!