To let the hair color blend in with your own hair more seamlessly, we offer gray hair colors toupees. So how many gray hair colors are there and what are they? Today we are going to talk about gray hair system color options.
Before people have gray hair growing out on the head, they already have different hair colors ranging from black, brown, or blonde. This hair color is people’s basic hair color and it usually doesn’t change as people age. However, as people age, there will be gray hair growing out. Then your hair color will become your basic hair color being black, brown or blonde mixed with different percentages of gray hair. This is the theory that we make our gray hair color toupees. We mix different percentages of gray hair into different basic hair colors including black, brown or blonde.
Here are some gray hair system colors that mixed gray into 1B Off black color:
The naming principle of the hair color number is ‘basic hair color code + gray percentage’. For example, 1B10 stands for 1B Off Black color with 10% Gray hair. So 1B80 refers to 1B Off Black color with 80% Gray hair.
Here at LaVivid, if the percentage of gray hair is more than 40%, then the gray hair used is human hair gray. For gray percentage less than 40%, the gray hair used is synthetic.
Here are some gray hair colors with #2 darkest brown basic hair color:
Here are two gray hair colors with #3 Dark brown basic hair color:
Here are two gray hair colors with #17 Darkest Beige Blonde hair color:
Here at LaVivid, for each basic hair color ranging from #1B to #17, all of them have corresponding gray hair colors. The gray percentage usually are 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 65% and 80%. For any other gray options, we can customize it with no problem.
Usually people think there is only gray mixed hair for black hair color. That actually is not the case. We have gray hair color for each basic hair color including black, brown and blonde. Want to know whether we have your hair color? Contact support@lavividhair.com and we will help you pick the right color.
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