The Causes Lead to Bad Spots in Men’s Hair and How to Solve It

May 11, 2021 Blog Views: 1321

What causes bad spots in men’s hair? Why this is happening to me? Many men who are suffering from hair loss may complain about the unfair life. Yes, this is very true. It crashes your self-confidence in everything. To beat or hide baldness issues, hair replacement systems are highly recommended by the media. Let’s find out. 

What causes bad spots in men’s hair? Two killers are on the way

As we all know, the reason that causes baldness may be various. To help you understand it, we here separate two types of reasons: physical and psychological. Physical reasons that cause baldness may be health issues, aging, less sleep, and hormonal disturbance, etc. This is very easy to understand, your body may not be as well as it looks, or the elder your turn, the less hair on your head. 

To most men, stress is the main reason that causes hair loss. This is the main reason that we notice from the bunch of psychological reasons. Others like sadness, angry, deep loss, or anxiety are also a part of the killer group. Many men or women are doing such a great job in their work and life, thus they may have a lot to worry about. 

Psychological reasons may cause serious physical reactions like we mentioned above, bad sleeping time, etc. And on the other way around, physical issues will lead to you not happy, they are like twins that haunt you down to baldness. You have to balance your life from hard-working, love, friendship, etc. 

This is to say, physically, you have to keep doing body check every year to monitor yourself. This should be seen as a way of self-care and love. There’s no harm to get well prepared and understand what situation you might be facing. Mentally, you should let go of the shitty things and adjust your attitude towards life. Later we will brief you on some non-surgical ways and surgical ways to settle the baldness issue.


Non-surgical hair replacement systems are workable

Men who just realize they need to hide their bald spot may be confused to hear the phrase “Non-surgical hair replacement systems”. What are we talking about here? Let’s put it simply. Non-surgical methods for hiding baldness mean using accessories like toupees, wigs, or even hats to cover the bold spot. These are the most common ways that help you urgently rebuild your looks. 

The toupee industry is very mature now after more than 4 decades of improvement. Made of real hair or the mixture of synthetic and human hair, today’s toupees are comfortable wearing, natural-looking, and can be worn anywhere every day. People can customize the toupee to make it more themselves. 

A good toupee will provide the most natural, undetectable appearance as much as possible. Full lace toupee can be a perfect choice. If you prefer a durable base you may choose poly toupees. What’s more, you can buy a combination of polyurethane and lace toupees. It will not harm your scalp by itching or dermatitis. 

The prices for non-surgical hair replacement systems may go from $89 to even $800 depending on your interests. The toupee base, hairstyles, and hair colors are all optional. Try more, you can find the toupees that fit you. Even you buy a very expensive toupee, does not mean its value is higher than others. Please care for your toupees so they can bring out their best value! 

Have you thought of a hair transplant or medical treatment?

Some men will want to get rid of baldness forever thus seek help from surgical treatment like hair transplant. Indeed, it is a very ideal way to have your natural hair back. But it is not perfect as it may bring itching risks or harm to the scalp. Also, the slow-growing path and high cost will make it less favorable. You shall conduct it with a relevant qualified doctor if you have a plan on this. 

Hair restoration renders permanent hair. As we mentioned above, the procedure of hair restoration takes a longer time. You may need to think about it well and also prepare some toupees in case you will need to gain some attraction on the meetings or so. 

To slow hair loss, medication is another way to do it. Be patient with it. A healthcare professional or doctor should be conducted with if you want to use medical treatment. You may need to apply the medicine or lotion every day and night depends on its type. They are for physical and psychological treatments that help to slow hair loss and balance your hormone. 

What causes bad spots in men’s hair? Believe now you may have the answers. And you already see there are at least three alternatives including non-surgical and surgical ways to solve it. We hope you can fight it and rebuild your confidence back!


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