How to Perform Men's Hairpiece Cutting

February 02, 2021 Blog Views: 1471

Have you ever thought of performing men's hairpiece cutting? Cutting is a common practice among wig wearers who decide to breathe new life into their hairpieces and freshen up their style. If you also want to offer some cuts to your strands, here is everything a man should know before cutting his wig. 

Reasons for hairpiece cutting 

1. Changing style

Probably the most popular reason men decide to cut their wigs is to try a new style. Cutting is one of the ways you can alter the appearance of the hair system. However, unlike styling gels and other products that disappear from hair the next day, cutting is a styling procedure that has more serious consequences, hence, more responsibility is required to do it. If you cut your wig hair, you will not be able to grow it back. This feature makes you want to think twice before cutting your strands and be extremely vigilant during the process itself. You have to thoroughly analyze the range of options you would like to try, and eventually, choose the hairstyle that you would get never tired of. 

2. Removing heaviness

Sometimes the wig starts to feel heavy after extended wear or after using much styling product. A way you can make it lighter is to cut some locks. You can choose to thin out the dense crown or shorten the bottom. It's up to you how do you remove excess heaviness. The most important thing is to ensure the cuts do not spoil the style and appearance of your hairpiece. 

3. Hair damage

If you notice any hair damage, you may want to consider cutting the affected strands before taking the decision of replacing the entire wig. If you melted the tips with the flat iron, you may decide to gently trim the tips and give your hair system a new look. However, if the damage is too serious as to afford men's hairpiece cutting, avoid wasting your time and buy a new wig. 

Should I cut the wig hair myself?

Cutting the wig hair yourself is generally not recommended. It has to do with the fact that the hair will not grow back so it seems to be a risky adventure where the cost of a potential failure is high. You can try to use your poor hairdresser skills to cut your human hair. If you fail, the hair will grow back and the ugly haircut will remain in the past. Unfortunately, wig hair doesn't allow for such bold experiments, as there will be no second chance to change the haircut. 

That's why you have to take the wig to a hairdresser and ensure they perform men's hairpiece cutting correctly. However, if you are sure about your hairstyling skills, you are better to place the wig on a mannequin head before starting to cut. In this way, you guarantee the cut is even and accurate and you get access to all wig areas.     

Synthetic hair vs human hair cutting

When you see your stylist, make sure to ask whether they have any past experience in cutting wig hair. If your wig has synthetic hair, you have to take it to the best hairstylists, as fake hair is more complicated to work with. Cutting synthetic hair differs from cutting human hair, because it is pre-styled and less versatile, which makes it hard to manipulate with the strands, even for professional barbers. There is a need to cut in-line with the existing haircut to make sure you get a natural looking experience in the end.    

Unfortunately, not all stylists have experience in cutting male fake hair wigs. That's why, instead of picking the stylist randomly, you have to do your thorough research to come up with the best professional that is skilled and knowledgeable about this uneasy procedure. 

Final thoughts

Men's hairpiece cutting is a responsible task that you shouldn't take on if you are not sure about your skills and don't have a mannequin head on hand to display the wig for an accurate cut. Taking the wig to the hairdresser seems to be the most reasonable decision, as there so much at stake when cutting a hairpiece. However, make sure the stylist has experience in such kind of business to prevent them from spoiling the wig even more. 


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