LaVivid Versalite Men’s Toupee Customer Review

I have ordered a hair system from a company called LaVivid. This is a lace front and it is a mono skin and PU band back which is going to be cut down because my patch is only on the top and crown area.

This is a color number five with body wave because I actually have naturally quite curly hair. I ordered on the day after New Year and it arrived yesterday which is 7th, so really pleased with the time because it came so quickly.

I used to get my systems in salons and I've never really seen how a toupee looks like originally. It's very soft, very curly and it matches my hair color better than the current one. In fact I think it might be actually the perfect color. This density is a hundred and thirty percent which is a medium density and what I am wearing is a light density. So I'm hoping that it won't look like a hat. Lol.

lavivid versalite hair system

I like the lace front. It has bleached knots so it should be undetectable. The hairline looks very thick and even thicker than the one that I am currently wearing. I am a bit worried that it might not look very realistic but I'm also thinking if they shed which they do and that's no real issue because they don't last forever or they're going to shed so I thought if we get a thicker one it might last longer.

I will be back in touch when I have this fitted. I'm having this fitted on the 23rd the day before my 30th birthday and let's see how this goes. Did I shock you?

lavivid hair system before and after

This is what it looks like after it's all been put in and I've styled it a little bit. I need to get used to styling it because it is like I said a lot thicker than what I'm used to. I love it though because my natural hair density is probably about this thickness anyway.

toupee review

It took three and a half hours this morning to fit it that was including taken off the old one, cleaning my scalp, fit and cutting this to size and fitting it. It did take a little while and they used tape this time just because the middle part is mono and I've been told you can't use glue on mono skin because it will go through it. Tapes are less itchy and more comfortable.

I'm very happy with the results. the only thing with that which is no one's fault and it's not a negative

really is that it's kind of hard to style when it's so soft and silky but as time goes on and I wash it and blah blah blah it will be much easier to style but for now I absolutely love it just in time for me.

I am a singer and I cannot stand on the stage without hair. I started to wear a hair system a few months ago, and now I cannot live without it not only because of my job also I feel a lot more confident with beautiful hair. 

I love this Versalite hair system a lot and I will keep buying from LaVivid Hair in the future.  Thanks to LaVivid hair, I am so happy to work with them.

If you want to give LaVivid a try, please go to and check on their products and you also can use my code Mikey15 to get 15% off. 

Here is an update video from Mikey about how to stick down and style the hair system at home. 

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