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How to Finish the Task of Bleaching Knots on Wig?

August 13, 2020

Do you know the process of bleaching knots on a wig? If no, you can learn it from the experts in the hair industry. The professionals know the exact process of bleaching so that you can get the required results. Why we bleach the knots on a wig? The reason is that it looks natural after bleaching. None can detect the duplicate identity of the wig after the process is over. It gives the impression that the hair is coming out of the scalp naturally and not artificially. Hence, the balding man loves the bleaching process to cope with their original look.

Bleaching Knots

Bleaching process on a wig knot

The task of balancing knots on the wig is not a laborious process, but it needs some experience and skill. If you have the experience of bleaching then you can proceed further without any hassle. In case you do not have the necessary expertise, then you can contact a professional for the task. The advice of the expert is essential so that you might get the exact look which you are longing for. The task is very technical and hence an individual needs to perform the task with heavy care. Even a slight error would not yield constructive results for the person who does.

What are the steps involved in bleaching?

The major step of the bleaching process is to pin down the unit with the help of clips for holding it without any deviation. The wig is set for applying bleaching tasks on a foam head firmly. Then you can start preparing the bleaching mixture for applying it on the wig. The mixture is the combination of two ingredients such as professional developer and bleach powder. These two ingredients are highly important for the process of bleaching. A single bowl is taken for preparing the mixture for the process of bleaching. The two ingredients mentioned above are mixed in the bowl. Important information is the ingredients are taken in equal amounts for mixing so that the desired results are obtained.

Steps after the mixture are ready

Once the mixture is ready for applying to the unit that you have, you can dab it fully. A thorough application is needed by the individual so that the mixture is applied on all the knots of the hair unit uniformly. This is highly important because the uniform application of the bleaching solution helps to cover the knots on the wig. The knots should not be seen after applying the mixture solution so that the original look is obtained by the individual. You can use the aluminum foil for covering the hair systems once the bleaching application is over. The customer or the professional who is involved in the process should run the unit on time so that the desired results are achieved.

After rinsing the wig model, the piece can be washed by using a quality shampoo. This task is to make a chemical process to stop. Washing and conditioning the hair unit is almost the final stop before the unit is dried. Drying the hairpiece is not a big task, but very simple by using a wet towel. The hairpiece should not be dried by using the hair drier because it might damage the product. So, the user should be very careful about this task for excellent results.

Advantages and disadvantages of bleaching the knot wig

The major pros of the process are that the natural look of the person is maintained after bleaching the hair unit. The hair of the wig seems that it comes out from the original scalp of the head. This is the major effect of the bleached hairpiece. The major disadvantage of the hairpiece is the root gets weakened, and the durability gets lessened.

High temperature not helpful

It should be noted that the bleached product should not be exposed to high temperatures such as heat, or direct exposure to the hot sun. These two high factors damage the hair toupee heavily. So, the user should maintain an optimum temperature for maintaining the bleached product. A ventilated place is highly suitable for the long-lasting of bleached product for the user. If properly maintained, the hairline of the hairpiece looks good and also gives a natural appearance to the person.

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