Hair Density: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

December 05, 2021 Hair Replacement for Men Views: 2716

Your hair can be classified in various ways, including length, color, texture, coarseness, and density. The number of strands of hair that grow per square inch of your scalp is referred to as hair density. One aspect that impacts how to style your hair is its density. It isn't essential to take out a microscope and count individual strands. Knowing whether your hair is thin or thick might help you choose the right hair products.

What is the Average Hair Density?

On average, we have between 80,000 and 120,000 hairs on our heads. Your hair density is usually strongest at your vertex, also known as your crown, located at the back of your head.

The density of one's hair varies a lot from person to person, and it also differs by ethnicity. There is no such thing as an excessively high or low hair density, and your hair density isn't a good indicator of your general health. On the other hand, people with nutritional inadequacies may experience hair loss, resulting in a reduction in overall hair density.

Calculating Hair Density

Counting individual strands in a 1-inch by 1-inch piece of your scalp is the most accurate — but least practical — approach to determine your hair density. Researchers typically employ an imaging method called trichoscopy in lab settings to accomplish this. A photo Trichogramma, an imaging technology that allows researchers to assess each hair's hair density and growth phase, is the standard gold method of detecting hair density.

What are the Percentages of Hair Density?

The hair density of our stock units is normally categorized as light, light to medium, medium, and medium to heavy.


Hairpieces with a light density of 90% are used by persons who require thin or fine hair. With this density, the scalp might be seen, especially when the hair is parted, and the older clientele is more likely to choose this density.

Light to medium: 

Density hair pieces range in density from 100 to 110 percent. This is similar to light density but with slightly higher hair coverage on the hairpiece. Most of our men's tops use this density as a standard, increasing the variety of hairstyles.


Is 120 percent, the usual density for most women's stock units. This density is suitable for folks who love a lot of hair on their scalp and want thick hair on their systems.

Medium to heavy:

Density is 130 percent and is excellent for individuals who want the most hair coverage on their stock units.

This is the best option for younger adults who desire the thickness of Chinese or Indian hair.

What can I do to reclaim my hair density?

There are a few options for restoring hair density, but they aren't foolproof. Natural techniques such as coconut oil, aloe vera, and rosemary oil can help to stimulate hair growth and boost its thickness and density. However, the majority of the time, there is no discernible effect.

Finasteride, a prescription hair loss medication, and minoxidil, a topical hair loss treatment, can both help you grow more hair. However, the medicine does not work for everyone, and there are some potential adverse effects to be aware of. Then there's the option of a hair transplant, which can be costly and depends on whether you have enough hair on your donor area.

We've seen a recent trend toward lighter densities, and our hair systems allow you to lessen the density and show some scalp, giving your hair a much more natural appearance.

Hair Density: Preference

Choosing the right density is influenced by several factors, including:

  • The density of your hair: It's crucial to pick a density that matches the rest of your hair on the sides and back. This will aid in the integration of your system with your existing hair.
  • Age: If your remaining hair is of similar density, a younger man could choose a thicker density (such as a medium) and still seem natural. Whereas as we become older, our hair density tends to decrease. Therefore a lighter density would give us a lot more natural appearance.
  • Style of hair: Thin hair is better suited to blunt styles, but thick hair is better suited to layered styles. People with thin hair typically prefer curly styles to create the appearance of more hair.

Fascinating Facts

Are you looking for more intriguing facts about hair? Here are some amazing facts.

  • Your hair grows roughly 6 inches every year on average Trusted Source. That works out to about a half-inch per month.
  • Male hair develops at a faster rate than female hair.
  • Each day, you lose between 50 and 100 hairs. You may shed even more depending on your hair care method.
  • Genetics has a role in hair color. The most frequent hair colors are black and brown. These hair colors are found in around 90% of the world's population.
  • Your hair is more likely to become grey or even white as you get older. In fact, after the age of 30, your chances of becoming grey grow by roughly 10% to 20% with each decade.
  • Hair is more resilient than you may believe. One hair, for example, can bear a strain of 3.5 ounces – about 1/4 pound.
  • Some of your hair's qualities are affected by water. It might weigh anywhere from 12 to 18 percent more when your hair is wet. Wet hair can stretch for up to 30 percent longer without causing damage.
  • There are around 5 million hair follicles on your entire body. When you're born, you have all of your hair follicles, and they don't grow anymore as you become older.
  • There are only a few places of your body that are hairless. The palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, and the crimson area of your lips are all examples.

Bottom Line 

Our body's hair serves a variety of purposes. It aids in protecting the body from the elements, the regulation of body temperature, and the perception of sensations.

The amount of hair on a person's head varies from person to person. There are around 100,000 hairs on the average human head, with a similar number of hair follicles.


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