Does Troy Balderson Wear a Hairpiece?

July 06, 2022 LaVivid News Views: 1294

If you even remotely follow American politics, chances are you already know Troy Balderson. This sixty years old American politician has been in the public eye for a long time. 

He is a Republican Party member and has a lot under his belt when it comes to achievements and glories. But, that does not discount his fair share of controversies and problematic behavior.

From being born and raised in Ohio to running a business and then giving it up to join politics, Troy Balderson's life journey is full of stories. Though he is sixty-plus years old, his personality and stature still stand tall. 

His mature and decent outfits to super sleek and well-kept physical looks make a perfect mixture for the public character that he is. To know more about this fantastic man, keep on reading.

Does Troy Balderson wear a wig? 

In short, No Troy Balderson does not wear a hairpiece. But, it doesn't end here. Balderson hair has been quite the talk of the town this season. But not for the right reasons. Troy Balderson has been in the news for a lot of things. 

His hair is the newest' breaking news. Twiterraties are after him for his supposedly 'oily' and 'unkempt' hair. Being a public figure comes with its positives and negatives.

The most extensive scrutiny public figures and media people face is related to their physical appearance. The same happened with Troy. His wild-looking hair has fueled the fire and started a full-on hate campaign against him. 

A Twitter user called his hair 'Limp Rand Paul' look, and another called his locks' oily and disgusting.' So, yeah, he might not wear a hairpiece, but his hair is undoubtedly not impressing anyone.

Who is Troy Balderson Really?

Well, most people know him as the representative of the Republican Party, but to learn more about him, you need to dig a little. Troy Balderson was born in 1962 in Southeastern Ohio. He is a young college dropout as well and a former businessman. 

In his early career, Balderson started working for his family business called Balderson Motor sales. But, what might shock many people is that he worked as a 'mechanic' for the company.

As a college student, he was not readily welcomed into the family business and had to start from the bottom. It gave him a lot of willpower and strength to succeed in his political career. 

However, after being an average politician for a while, His life changed after he won the general elections in 2008. He has since been a significant member of the Republicans.

Balderson's Career

After winning the general elections in 2008 with 67% votes, he became a representative of the 94th Ohio house district. Though the elections were conducted the same year again, he still won with 54% votes. So, being an Ohio representative, he again won the seat in 2010.

Later in 2011, when Jimmy Steward resigned from his senate seat, Balderson was appointed a senator. 

A year later, he again won the four-year senator ship after defeating his opponents with 57% of the votes. In 2018 Republicans chose Balderson as a nominee for Ohio's 12th congressional district after Pat Tiberi resigned from the position. 

Though the elections were almost fifty-fifty majority, Balderson managed to win it with a slight margin. It kick-started his upfront and major career up-gradation.

Balderson's fashion sense 

All the state representatives take a lot of care and give a lot of importance to their physical looks. It is part and parcel of being in front of the camera. Troy Balderson is no exception to this rule. He has been following the grooming protocol that most politicians are supposed to follow.

Being a state representative, he is mainly seen in three-piece formal suits with ties. Balderson's choice of color is usually a navy blue or grey suit with monochrome ties. But, he is primarily unkempt. 

It bothers his supporters so much, and they are seen twitting about it often. Though he is a young and aged man, his health and physical stature make him look youthful and fresh, even in the low days. Therefore, he is a fashion icon for many emerging politicians as well. 

Troy Balderson's early life

Though most people know him as a strong-witted and intelligent politician, Balderson has his share of hardships and joys. Before becoming a politician, Balderson's' meaningful life was spent with family and running a business. 

He started working early in life when he was still in college. Though he tried his best to run the family business and take it further, in 2018, he had to close down the Balderson motor sales business. He was quoted saying that he had not received any income since 2008.

Balderson got married at the age of 23 in 1985. He married Angela. But the wedding was not a success, as they divorced in 2014 when Balderson turned 52. This thirty years marriage ended badly for both him and his ex-wife. 

He also has a son from the wedding. After his divorce four years back, he still has not married again.

Troy’s Winning figures and facts 

Balderson's political journey has been a roller coaster. But, if you're interested in the facts and figures of his election journey, here they are. Balderson has been running in the electros from 2008 to 2020. 

He has competed around seven times in elections. He started from the 'Ohio house of Representatives' to 'The Ohio senate' and the 'US house of representatives. In his career, he has twice won without any opposition. In the other five elections, he scored between 50-60% votes. 

However, most of the wins he bagged were on the margin, and some polls are also called 'unfair' and 'rigged' by his opponents. He is currently part of the US assembly as a member of the Republican Party.


In the end, it is essential to realize that Troy, like any other human, is imperfect and flawed. He has been in the political setup for over a decade. 

Therefore, he ought to be forgiven for little mistakes and errors, unlike other politicians who spend most of their lives in politics and assemblies. Also, no matter how many love and hate him, he still holds one of the highest positions in the US assembly.


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