Do people feel embarrassing when wearing a hair system?

January 13, 2023 Blog Views: 1082

Hi! Today we want to talk about one topic that people ask Sam if he isn't ashamed to wear a hair system. How does he do it? From where does the courage come? There is no courage involved when it comes to wearing the hair system.

He is 42 years old, and there is a little backstory before continuing with the rest of the answer. He lost his hair when he was 17, that was in 1997. So, you can imagine from 1997 and what, like five-six years ago, he started wearing a hair system. You can imagine in 1997, he was going out, meeting girls, doing stuff, and other things. He was 17 years old; there were a lot of new experiences; he lost a lot of weight, went to the gym, etc. However, one factor always bothered him, and that was his hair.

Sam had everything he wanted to do with his body, physically and with girls, but there was an issue, and he always wore a hat. He wore a hat from the age of 17 to 28. He has been wearing a hair system for about six years now. This means he wore a hat most of his life from seventeen to the last six years.

Growing up, it was hard for him. He always got teased like, "Oh yea, you look good with the body, but you got no hair." He would see his friends go out and do their hair, put gel in it, and make it all nice. Girls would always throw themselves at them. It was almost a physical disadvantage for him. Back then, he knew that there were "Hair-Club" for men and things like that, but he did not have money like four thousand dollars or five thousand dollars to put them on for re-changing, and back then, these were not readily available as they are now.

He had a tough time growing up with no hair, he used to shave his head, and he always regretted that. He never got to do so many things because he always wore a hat. When he didn't wear a hat or whenever he took off the hat, it was just a pale scalp. It was the most disturbing thing to him growing up from a teenager to adulthood without hair.

Now back to the questions like, isn't he embarrassed by wearing a hair system? It's way too shiny and many other things. But he looked at it this way life is way too short to be unhappy. It might sound cliché, but life is too short not to be happy, and these past five to six years, he has been thrilled with the hair he has now and loves it. The feeling is fantastic; he can shower, put gel in it, go out with the hair, and everything feels good.

This is because by doing all the styling and everything himself, he can save money and do it peacefully in the comfort of his own home. Right now, he has few hairs, and then the hair system that he is wearing as it blends into his natural hair seamlessly. He has been wearing the LaVivid Hair system for the last four to six years. For him, the hair systems from this brand are reputable and excellent. He swears by this hair system because the hairline of these hair systems is so undetectable that it is ridiculous.

He swears that the Louis and Eros made with the new bio skins are the most worth it hair systems. You can save some money using the code shs15 and save up to 15% on hair systems. For those looking to step into the world of hair systems, you should explore and check LaVivid Hair.

If you are a beginner to hair systems, taking this step may be overwhelming; however, with time, you will learn how to maintain your hair systems. So, the main question is if he is embarrassed for wearing the hair system, then no, he is not. He loves the look of the hair system, and he cannot go one day without these hair systems. Therefore, for him, the LaVivid hair systems are the best ones.


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