There have been toupees, hairpieces, and wigs abounding since the start of cinema. The studios were often concerned with their starring men's image, so they made sure their male leads looked great in every manner, including their hair. It didn't matter if they had any or not.
Going bald is the kiss of death for an actor; therefore, the prop department, like it or not, comes up with a fitting wig. Some celebrities merely used a hairpiece to mask baldness, while others only for a movie and gladly went around in real life with their thinning pate without concern about jeopardizing their job. One famous personality who is also known for his wig is Brian Keith.
Who is Brian Keith?
Brian Keith was an actor who appeared in films, television shows, and on stage in the United States. In the latter portion of his career, he became more well-known. Keith was born into a family of actors, and he has been performing since he was a toddler. Brian Keith made his film debut in Arrowhead (1953) after participating in silent films as a young actor and attempting a theatre career. Throughout the 1950s, he played minor roles, usually as the trusty companion of the male protagonist.
He enlisted in the 'United States Marine Corps and served in WWII. Keith returned to acting after his stint in the military. He has appeared in television shows as a guest star.
Bill Davis, a bachelor uncle, turned reluctant parent in the 1960s sitcom Family Affair and a gruff retired judge in the 1980s comedic crime thriller Hardcastle and McCormick were two of his most notable television appearances. He also appeared in the NBC comedy series The Brian Keith Show (1972–1974), in which he played a pediatrician who ran a free clinic on Oahu, and in the CBS comedy series Heartland.
Did Brian Keith wear a toupee?
In the original version of The Parent Trap, starring Hayley Mills, Brain Keith, the late actor, and star of the 1960s sitcom "Family Affair," also played the father.
Producers, stylists, costume designers, and directors all contribute to on-screen character looks. When these teams of experts are unable to shape an actor's locks, the excuse of "poor hair day" is no longer acceptable.
However, many websites believe and state that Brian Keith wore the worst toupee of his time and that he declined to listen to stylists who informed him that he couldn't have a thick wavy mop of strawberry blond hair on top of his head while his sides are thinning and greyish black. The toupee will put everyone out of their mind if the audience (who haven't seen it) watches the movie.
On a website, one of the authors claims that when filming The Parent Trap in the early 1960s, Brain Keith donned what was possibly the worst toupee in cinema history. He was so horrified by the way the wig appeared in the daily rushes of filming that he insisted on adding a sequence where he falls into the lake and climbs out with his hair fully intact.
One of the websites says, "Brian Keith may have gone insane as a result of it, as he eventually committed suicide." To this, a fan commented, "Brian Keith didn't kill himself because his toupee drove him insane. His daughter had recently committed suicide, and he had cancer and emphysema."
One of his fans also commented on the way his toupee appeared on-screen, "Brian Keith and Daniel H. Kelly in Hardcastle & McCormick, one of the greatest shows of all time, are two of my favorite actors. He learned to hide his baldness by doing the carryover over his skull, and I must say, his hairpiece in this film is quite horrible. He should have learned from William Shatner, but I think the Hardcastle and McCormick carryover was excellent." This clearly shows that Brian wore a toupee which wasn't adored by the audience.
Why did celebrities like Brian Keith wear a wig?
Wigs, it appears that the word itself has a bad connotation, although this is not the case. Wigs were and continue to be a popular fashion item. Wearing wigs has been stigmatized since some people use them to conceal their imperfections. It gives the impression to the other person that the only purpose someone is wearing a wig is to conceal something terrible. However, some celebrities now use wigs, sometimes to conceal something and other times to make a fashion statement.
Extreme hair loss can result in balding spots on a person's head. That's a problem if you're a star and people are going to talk about it. It could be because the word "perfection" has become associated with superstars' very being. It is not deemed normal if they do something that is more in line with what ordinary people do.
People will be shocked and wonder what happened to celebrities' hair if they see them with bald patches on their scalp. That's certain to make anyone self-conscious about their appearance. No matter how popular they are or how many admirers they have, celebrities may accept the truth in the criticisms they receive.
Some celebrities prefer to use a hairpiece to cover up their hair loss, whether it's temporary or permanent, while others may quietly undergo hair transplant surgery. On the other hand, celebrities don't always look their best in public!! It's not uncommon for something to be a little off—literally.
A toupee should, in theory, be indistinguishable from natural hair. It will admirably disguise a man's baldness if worn with a certain level of finesse. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and terrible toupees appear considerably more frequently than their owners would like us to believe. This is especially true for actors, entertainers, and politicians, who must deal with the continual media scrutiny, which makes concealing a toupee extremely difficult. Vanity, personal taste, or professional need have all led to some notable men like Brian Keith donning toupees that prominently announce their existence.
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