Banish Grease Woes: How to Keep Your Hair System Fresh Longer

January 22, 2024 Hair Replacement for Men Views: 191

Today I wanted to talk to you guys about Hair Systems and do they get greasy fast for you. So, do your hair systems get greasy fast, if they do, I’ve got a few solutions for you.

Now, for anyone who may have been watching my videos a year, two years ago, you might have noticed that my hair looked a little bit greasy. And I’ll tell you why; it’s not actual grease from your scalp. It’s actually grease from leave-in products that you use on a hair system, and they build up over time. And it can just give your hair that appearance of being greasy. Okay, so it’s not something that’s actually coming from your scalp; it’s stuff that you’re actually putting into the hair system.

Now, I found a way around this. So what I started doing was learning or taking on board that less is more. Less is more. So what do you mean by that, well let me give you an idea of what my routine was up until about a year ago. So I’d use leave-in conditioner twice a day on my hair, and that was an Argan, it was an argan oil-based leave-in conditioner. Also, every day I would use a full dropper’s worth of pure argan oil twice a day on my hair system.


So when you hear that information, it’s probably not surprising to you as to why my system appeared greasy. So what did I learn from this, and what would I like to teach you guys? Well, leaving conditioner is really important; argan oil is really important. However, it’s the frequency with which we use it, which is really, really important, and it’s the real crux here, and you need to get this right, guys.

Now the regime I would recommend for you guys to ensure that your hair system does not become greasy is basically use leave-in conditioner but use it once a day. You don’t need to use it more than once a day, especially if you’re wearing a du-rag or a silk pillow at night. You really don’t need to use leave-in conditioner more than once a day. With the Argan Oil, I was using it twice a day; what I would say is to use half a dropper every third day. Every third day, use half a dropper, and you can just evenly distribute it on top of your hair system. I actually use it on my side hair as well, so my natural hair because it gives it a really nice shine, and it just makes the hair look really nourished and nice and healthy.


On top of that, a great way to actually remove the grease is washing your hair. Now, I’ve always maintained that when it comes to washing your hair, never do it more than once a week because otherwise, it can dry the system out. It can cause oxidization in the system, whereby the system loses its color. And for instance, for me, it can become sort of, you get these brassy tones. It’s not such a problem if you’ve got jet-black hair, but if you’ve got a lighter hair color like mine, it’s likely to experience some oxidation over time, so you want to limit that.

Now, if you are noticing that your hair is getting quite greasy, I would say between every 1 to two weeks, give it a shampoo, and give it a condition. It will remove that appearance of greasiness because it just removes all the elements that you’ve put into it over the last couple of weeks. It removes the excess leave-in conditioner; it removes the argan oil, and it just removes the appearance of it being greasy. So that’s something I would really recommend only once every one to two weeks. And make sure that when you shampoo and when you condition, you get a color-protecting shampoo and conditioner.

So guys, do you find that your hair system gets a little bit too greasy? On reflection upon reading this article, have you found that maybe you put a little bit too much leave-in conditioner, maybe a bit too much argan oil? Let me know in the comments below because I’d really like to know if this is a common thing with hair system wearers. And also, guys, I’d love to know what your hair system plans are for 2024. Are you new to hair systems, and you’re considering taking the dive? Are you an experienced hair system wearer, and maybe you’re trying to go for a different base to see what that’s like for you?


Are you going to maybe try and do something a little bit different in terms of hairstyle or hair color? Let me know in the comments below; I’d really like to hear. I’ll speak to you very soon. Bye for now.


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