Ultra Safe Adhesive Remover for Skin Use | 4 oz
The Ultra Safe formula from Pro Hair Labs has been specifically developed as an adhesive remover for skin, and is free from any harmful chemicals, toxins or other damaging ingredients.
Ultra Safe has been formulated to not only be a super powerful adhesive residue remover, but also to soothe and protect the scalp in the process. As with all our products, we have developed Ultra Safe with safety first in mind, so you know your skin will be in safe hands every time.
Only to be used to cleaning scalps
Step 1: On lace systems, spray Ultra Safe directly down through the hair system. Wait 2-3 minutes. Lean client back in sink. Pull hair system gently from the scalp, continuing to spray Ultra Safe between the hair system and the scalp until the hair system is completely removed. Wipe Ultra Safe and residue from the scalp with paper towel.
Step 2: Sit client back up and continue spraying Ultra Safe and wiping with a paper towel until all adhesive has been removed from the scalp.
Step 3: With a skin (poly) system, you are not able to spray the Ultra Safe through the top of the hair system. Instead, lean your client back in the sink. Starting at the front hairline, gently pull back slightly and spray Ultra-Safe underneath the hair system and gradually apply reverse pressure by pulling back the skin on the hair unit until it eventually lifts.