How The Hair Loss Pills Work?

April 30, 2020 Men's Hair Loss Views: 1488

Experiencing hair loss and need a remedy? Tired of hiding the hair loss? We have the answer for you; the information we will share with you will help you access the right help.

Hair loss is a problem for both men and women alike. The hair loss is more prominent in men as they age and because of other several issues. The ratio of hair loss between men and women has men covering about 60 % and the women having 40%. With the hair loss, comes the various remedies to treat, stop, reverse or eliminate the problem. Medically, this condition is known as alopecia.

Causes of hair loss

Men can be able to experience hair loss or baldness due to a variety of reasons. Among the causes of hair loss, the most common cause is genetics. Determining the cause of hair loss is one way that can help a lot in determining the nature of the cure to be administered. Hair loss for men can start as early as in their teenage or even at puberty due to hereditary conditions. The hair loss occurs gradually affecting specific parts of the hair regions like the front and middle of the scalp and the temples. Some of the most common causes leading to hair loss in men include:

Hormonal imbalance - Changes in the hormones of a given person leading to an imbalance is a likely cause of hair loss. The common cause of hair loss in men is the thyroid gland which is affected by hormonal changes.

Skin disorders – Another common cause of hair loss are diseases like lupus and psoriasis, which are most likely to cause permanent hair loss.

Scalp infections – Ringworms can invade the hair and the skin scalp leading to scaly patches and subsequent hair loss.

Medication – There are certain types of medical procedures and drugs that can lead to hair loss in men.

Patchy hair loss – This condition occurs when the body’s natural immune system attacks the hair follicles—the term alopecia areata applies to the situation.

Several other causes may include radiation treatment, hair-pulling disorder, hairstyles or treatments and natural triggers like stress

.Remedies to hair loss

Several solutions are available for the treatment of hair loss. These include:

• Surgery

• Use of the laser combs

• Use of wigs and hairpieces.

• Use of pills

This article takes you through the use of tablets as a remedy for hair loss in men

Hair Loss Pills

Several reasons may lead to hair loss. If the underlying cause is in the case of a disease, then it will be necessary to administer treatment. Before this takes place, it is essential to have a medical diagnosis to determine the cause of the hair loss by conducting a physical examination by a medical expert. The doctor may decide to do tests that may include a blood test which will help to see whether the hair loss is due to a medical condition. The second test that the doctor may conduct is a scalp biopsy where he will take skin samples or a few hairs from the scalp and examine their roots. This test will help him determine whether there is an infection causing the hair loss or not. The doctor may also conduct light microscopy where he will examine samples of hair trimmed at their bases. The test will help him determine any disorders that the hair shaft may be having.

Before going for this checkup, it is essential to have a list of medications you are currently taking if any and any changes that may lead to hair loss.

Types of men’s hair loss pills


It is also known by the name Rogaine. This drug was initially not intended for the treatment of hair loss or baldness. Its first use was the treatment of high blood pressure. The drug had a side effect which is the growth of excessive and unwanted hair. The drug companies later adopted this drug as a treatment for hair loss due to its ability to enlarge the hair follicles, which leads to the growth of thick strands of hair.

The drug also prolongs the hair leading to longer and thicker hair strands. The drug is mostly safe when used in recommended proportions.

Side Effects of Minoxidil

• Scalp irritation

• Hair growth that is unwanted especially on the hands and the adjacent skin of the face

• This drug also causes a rapid heart rate

• A light-headed feeling if use is continuous over a long time

• Rapid weight gain, especially on your face and the mid-section.

• Breast pain or tenderness

• Changes in hair texture.

How to administer the pill

Take the Minoxidil drug as may be prescribed by the doctor after a medical examination. The prescription will ensure you observe the dosage and that you do not develop any side effects that may turn out to be adverse.

The drug needs continuous use else the initial condition reverts to where it was.


This drug comes with conditions for its use. It should only be in use by adult men and should not be near expectant or breastfeeding women and children. Its purpose is in the treatment of baldness which appears at the crown and middle of the scalp.

Finasteride is also known as Propecia or Proscar and is a type II reductase inhibitor; this means it comprises of an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. It can suppress the loss of hair through thinning by a possible 70%. It is also possible for the pill to slow, halt or even cause a reversal to the hair loss.

The drug was meant for fighting prostate cancer. It is useful in the reduction of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the scalp, which causes hair to grow. DHT causes the hair follicles to thin out hence causing hair loss. The reduction of DHT levels causes an increase in hair regrowth, thus reducing the rate of hair loss. It only affects hair growth on the scalp.

How to administer the pill

Take the drug one at 1 mg pill daily. There are those individuals who prefer to take it on specific days along the week, but it has to be consistently done.

Advantages of Finasteride

1. Finasteride is used in the treatment of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) also formerly known as enlarged prostate.

2. It treats androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness)

3. Used in the treatment of hirsutism (excessive facial and body hair growth) in women.

4. It functions as a transgender hormone replacement therapy treatment.

Side effects of Finasteride

• Diminished sex drive which is a rare occurrence

• Increased risk of prostate cancer

• Anxiety and depression which may persist after discontinuation

• Breast enlargement

• Fatigue and dry skin

• It can cause congenital disabilities if taken by a pregnant woman


In conclusion, there are other supplements that you can be able to take to ensure you restore your natural hair and stop the hair from thinning and falling out. If the condition you have is underlying health or medical condition, the best solution is to seek medical attention before resorting to the pills. Always seek professional guidance before you resort to using the pills.Also you can visit to find a hair system that most suit for you. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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