Things You Need to Know About Men's Non Surgical Hair Replacement

April 03, 2020 Men's Hair Loss Views: 1959

Men's non surgical hair replacement is a hair restoration system that treats hair loss or baldness without the involvement of a surgical process. These methods of hair restoration offer the advantage of reduced medical-related problems associated with invasive techniques. Since hair loss is inevitable for many people, you will need a simple, fast and safe method to restore your hair.

At Lavividhair, we offer a variety of systems in terms of color, size, style, density and texture. A pre hair service is also provided to plan on how to customize a hair system to fit your needs before installation.

What are the causes of male hair loss?

Some of the factors that been observed to cause hair loss include:


This is an uncontrollable and by far the most common reason for hair loss. A common condition that is repetitive in family genetic lines is baldness. The best solution is to get prepared for this by purchasing a hair replacement system from a reputable website such as

*Radiation therapy

This is most common for cancer patients. Although radiotherapy and chemotherapy procedure are done to kill the defective cells, cells and tissues that grow rapidly, such as hair, are also prone to destruction. If you want to retain your hair even after such medical procedures, you should consider noninvasive hair replacement.

*Use of some supplements and drugs

Medications for arthritis, heart and blood health issues and those for acne treatment have been observed to cause side effects of hair loss.

*Medical conditions such as alopecia

Autoimmune conditions such as alopecia can also cause hair loss. The effects of these diseases may range from hair loss in a small scalp area to the entire scalp area. It is advisable to use hair replacement systems to regain your full hair profile.

How is men's non surgical hair replacement done?

The whole process of hair replacement should take a maximum of 2 hours as it is a simple and very straightforward method. For live replacements, a skin-friendly mould is used to make a template of your head and then used to design or choose a hair system that is suitable for you. The hair system should blend naturally with your hairline to ensure that it is undetectable.

However, this method is not flexible for many people, considering their tight and rigid working schedules that may not even allow the use of a single hour of their time. A Flexible and more versatile method of hair replacement that has been embraced by many is the use of hair replacement websites.

In, for example, you are only required to email pictures of your hair indicating the part with hair loss and a few photos of the hairstyles that you need. When a match is found for your hair system template, the base and hair are cut accordingly and the package sent to you within no time. A gel is used during shipping to maintain the shape of the hair system.

A hair toupee is often put on the crown to alleviate baldness, most common in men. Hair systems can be placed anywhere on the head in case of hair loss. Standard undetectable hair systems for non-intrusive hair replacement are human hair wigs and men toupees.

What is the average amount of money you will spend on a non-intrusive hair replacement system?

The cost for real time Men's non surgical hair replacement ranges from $100 to $1000. The price is, however, significantly reduced when you purchase the individual components that you will use for a do it yourself hair wig or toupee installation.

Some of the accessories you will need for a hair replacement include a toupee or a wig and a hair system tape. Other components required for maintenance of the hair system include combs and a hair system holder.

On, you will find these components for an average price of $10 each. The hair systems average in the range of $200. There is a wide range of hair systems to choose from, especially on our website, including lace, skin, mono, lace hair systems and the newest products in the market.

What affects the choice of Men's Non Surgical Hair Replacement Systems?

One of the factors, as discussed above, is the area of the scalp with hair loss. Other essential elements that will dictate your choice include:

*Shape of the face

Face shapes range from round-shaped, oval-shaped, heart-shaped to square-shaped. If you contact lavividhair, you will be guided on how to determine the shape of your face and select the best hair replacement to suit you.

*Type of hair

Most of the men's non-intrusive systems are made using hair from Europe, China and India. You should choose hair systems that are easy to style, such as those made by Swiss hair.


You will not want to keep replacing a hair replacement system due to fading or texture loss. You should avoid going for the cheapest variations as most are synthetic and barely last for five months.

*Employment requirements

If the company you are currently working for prefers, for example, short hair, you should go for a hair replacement system with short hair. If you work from home, you have the freedom to choose any noninvasive hair replacement system as long as it meets the other vital factors.

Benefits of a noninvasive replacement system

non surgical hair system

*You will avoid medical problems

Some medicals implications and issues are related to surgical hair replacement. Pain, scarring and recurring surgical procedures are among the conditions that you will prevent with a noninvasive system.

*It is affordable

You will spend less on a bloodless hair replacement system as compared to what you will pay for a surgical replacement.

*Instant transformation

If, for example, you buy a wig for a hair replacement system, you will cover your hair loss right after wearing it. Surgical procedures may even take several weeks before the hair is completely restored.

*Guaranteed results

Almost all non surgical hair replacement systems work despite the intensity of hair loss. Surgical procedures, especially for hair loss due to genetic factors, may produce undesired results or even fail. With Lavivid hair replacement system you don't need to worry about fail at all. 

For Men's Non Surgical Hair Replacement solutions, you should visit We have world shipping services and even better, free for orders over $99. With our pre-styled service, you are ensured of a customized hair system that matches your selected hairstyle. And if you have any questions please feel free to contact


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