Hair Dresser's Opinion About LaVivid Men's Toupee

March 27, 2020 What Our Customers Say Views: 1734

Want to hear what a professional hairstylist say about LaVivid Hair system? Stephen, TheSalonGuy®, is an experienced hairstylist and media personality with 20+ years in the beauty industry. His highly viewed YouTube channel features hairstyling tutorials, tips, Fashion Events, Hair Shows, Motivation, Inspiration, How To's, Education and videos in the Salon and Beauty Industry. He has been featured on Style Network, TMZ live and GMA Live.

hair dresser's opinion about lavivid toupee

Here is what he says:

The lovely nice hair unit I am wearing is from LaVivid hair and I am working with LaVivid hair and bring you some really cool contents. About the video I posted last week, I've been getting a lot of comments about specific questions in relation to wearing a hair system. I want to talk about a few things that you guys mentioned and asked about in the last video I made which I took this unit off or this system off and I showed you my exposed bald head.

Of course when I put this on I look at myself in the mirror and I think I look a hell of a lot better with the hair. I'll be honest with you I feel I do feel pretty incredible wearing this but well I mean I want to talk to you about should you wear hair system or shouldn't you and also to talk about a few things.

Someone tells that I was gonna purchase one of these hair units from LaVivid hair but I saw that you're shaving your head again. Well, the reason I shaved my head or go back to buzzing my head is that I built up my brand as being a bald guy which made me very unique in this industry and I said to myself you know I just want to be true to myself and my brand and stick with being bald. That’s it. I made that decision.

I'm looking at the monitor I could still get away with this type of look and what I think is great about wearing a hair system or a hair unit is that it really looks very very natural and it brings you back to your youth.  People tell me I look ten years fifteen years younger and I truly appreciate that.

lavivid hair system

So I guess the real main focus of this video is why would you as a bald guy promote a hair system. I feel like it's me right as a bald guy and my branding but I could put this on when I want look at this and even in this video I feel it looks pretty good.

When you get the hair system cut, you have to make sure it's layered and I'm gonna do a video about cutting a hair system but I do want to actually demonstrate if you do decide to go this route. I'm gonna be doing that's part of this whole content thing is I'm gonna be showing you guys different things and once everything settles down and we can start you know being around people again I'll start doing models and stuff like that makeovers which I'm looking forward to.

Cutting your own unit yourself may be kind of a big deal and could be a bit difficult but it also doesn't have to be a thing that cannot be done. I can show you some cool things that even if you go to a stylist and get it cut or you do it yourself at home, you know how the hair cutting should be done. Hope it can help you a bit. Also thanks to Lavivid Hair, I am very glad to cooperate with them.

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