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The Guide to Measure Hair Length

November 5, 2020

Have you ever wondered how to measure hair length? Well, this is a nice practice that helps you see how well your hair grows and how healthy it is. There are some methods of hair measuring that involve the use of different tools, such as: measuring tape, ruler and camera. We invite you to take a closer look at each method and decide which one fits you best. 

Categories of hair length

1. Short hair

The short length ranges from a buzzcut to a chin-long bob. In numbers, it would be the shortest possible, let’s say 0.1 cm, to 20 cm.

2. Medium hair

Medium hair is any hair that goes past the chin up to some inches below the shoulders, otherwise said from 20 cm to 40 cm.

3. Long hair

The long length starts from the armpits, which is around 40 cm, all the way down to the floor. No matter it’s 50 cm or 75 cm, both will be considered long hair length.

How to measure the hair length

So the easiest way to know the length of your hair is by using a measuring tape or a ruler. The trick about these methods is that it is hard to do the measuring alone. Well, you can use a mirror and measure the front, but you will find it difficult to measure the side and the back. Moreover, once you raise your hands to reach with the ruler or tape to the needed height, the hair shape may get distorted failing to preserve its full-length position, which will compromise the measurement, leading to inaccurate results. So in any case you are better off asking a friend for help.

Measuring the hair length with these two tools gives the chance to get precise numbers. If the numbers are not important, though, you can opt for the third way of measuring. For this, you will need a camera, with which you will take shots every Sunday, every month, every half year or over any other period of time that is convenient for you. Capturing just the head is the way some people choose to carry out this measuring. However, this can lead to slightly inaccurate results. This is why, you are better off capturing the whole body, with the body parts acting as a chart that helps you compare the hair length at different periods of time.

Since there are three stages of hair length measurement (front, sides, back), we have three length charts on the body that include corresponding body parts as milestones.


The front measurement has four milestones. Eyebrow length is when the hair touches the eyebrow, while nose length is when the hair touches the nostrils. These two milestones can be met both in women’s and men’s hair. Still, the next two milestones: the upper lip and chin are mostly typical of women. 


When it comes to side measurement, we have three milestones. It is ear length, reaching the bottom of the ear, jaw-length touching jaw, and shoulder-length touching the shoulder. It is important to mention that all these lengths are reached after pulling the hair straight. If you have curly hair, you have to straighten it up to see the real length.


Back measurement aims at measuring long hair. This is why it has more milestones than the previous length charts. Some of them include bra strap length, midback length, waist length, classical length (hair reaches the buttocks), knee-length and even floor length.

All in all, there are three methods you can measure your hair length. The methods involving ruler and measuring tape provide accurate numbers, but they require an assistant who will do the measurement for you, as doing it alone will have you raise the hands that will distort the hair’s shape leading to inaccurate numbers. The third way involves taking comparison shots that help you see how much your hair grows over a period of time. You can this type of measuring every year that will allow you to find out easily about hair growth problems and take immediate action for restoring the health of your hair. The shots have to capture the whole body, whose parts will work as milestones in tracking the hair growth.

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