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Hair Patch Cost

June 13, 2022

The procedure for hair patches is also known as “Artificial Hair Restoration”. Hair patch treatment is best for those who suffer from Alopecia Areata. This method is quite effective, especially for those who do not have enough money for hair plant surgery and don’t want to undergo a surgical procedure. 

What is a Hair Patch Treatment?

Har patch treatment is a non-surgical hair replacement procedure. This procedure hides the area with the hair patch where baldness or spots occur. Basically, a hair patch is a small hairpiece that is designed according to the client’s bald spot area and shape. And apply with glue or even clips. The clips application is best and skin-friendly for those who have sensitive skin and allergies to using cosmetics glue type products. The clips are safe and quick and do not cause any scalp reaction if you use a hair patch for a permanent base. 

Moreover, hair patches are affordable and skin-friendly, and easy to wear for all people. They are long-lasting, even hair patches used as permanent on the scalp. Also, these come in human and synthetic hair materials. Even more hair patches can be designed according to your hair texture and colours. That will give you flawless and natural-looking hair. So, you can confidently choose a quick solution to prevent baldness!

How Long is the Longevity Of a Hair Patch? 

Sometimes the main reason for choosing a hair Patch it’s longevity. A hair patch non-surgical hair replacement procedure is a permanent and safest procedure as compared to other hair replacement options. It can last up to 5 years before it wears out from use. It is quite easy to replace a hair patch for those areas where the scalp is completely bald. The doctor sticks the hair patch using a clip and cosmetic glue. 

These are a permanent solution and stick to your head as you take care of them. The hair patch is mainly designed to perfectly fit the bald patch on the scalp and looks completely natural, and the patient ends up looking much better than they did before.

The Cost of Hair Patch System

Hair replacement systems are expensive or sometimes affordable, depending on the material, quality, and length. Even more, the installation methods are also costly if you choose a permanent hair replacement system. 

Whether you choose surgical or non-surgical hair replacement systems, both come in different price ranges. But non-surgical is more affordable than the surgical hair replacement system. It’s the safest and quick way to hide your hair loss problem.

The cost of the hair patch replacement system is different in different countries. Normally, the hair patch cost begins from $80, depending on the quality of the Hair patch or Hair System you opt for. Pricing also depends on the extent of the hair loss and scalp area. Also, it depends on the hair system that you prefer according to your real hair texture and colours. whether it is Natural human hair or ( synthetic) machine made Hair.

Many popular hair replacement system brands offer expensive hair systems at different prices and ensure the durability of products. You can visit any popular brand like one is lavivid. 

Hair Patch Vs Traditional Wigs Vs Hair Weavings

A hair Patch looks more flawless and natural when compared to a traditional wig. No doubt it’s more natural-looking no one can determine you are wearing a hair patch. It applies before the cut according to your hairstyle. They are designed to sit perfectly for a long time, even if they can last up to 5 years and then it is strongly attached to the bald patch on the scalp and does not move or fall off! 

However, a hair patch looks so natural if anyone has a bald patch on the scalp and is not fully bald. 

But if we talk about wigs, they are afraid of looking unnatural. And they look natural if a person is completely bald. Most people use hair wigs of different colors to mimic.

Hair weaving is mainly used when men and women have extremely baldness issues. It’s another non-surgical hair replacement system similar to an artificial wig or extensions to the bald area of the scalp. Hair weaving is used to increase the volume of hairs and involves weaving or braiding human hair on one’s scalp. It is woven in the roots of the natural hair and provides natural hair coverage with long or thick hair.

FAQs about the hair patch system 2022

I shower with a hair patch system?

It’s important to maintain and take care of your hair system properly. Whether it’s a wig, hairpiece or a hair patch, you must know about its better maintenance. You can take a shower with a hair patch. The hair patch replacement system allows you to wash your hairpiece regularly. Unfortunately, you can wash your hair patch regularly but do not maintain it as like a hair piece or wig in the best way. A hairpiece can rest your scalp for some time.

It’s important to use the strongest hair bond or glue to ensure the longevity of your hair system and does not cause removing all built-up oils and adhesives inside out. 

What are the 5 tips to take care of my hair patch system?

  • ●Daily maintenance improves the longevity of the hair system.
  • ●Follow the proper washing method
  • ●Keep your hair pieces in good shape.
  • ●always prefer the strongest bond for hair patch application
  • ●Maintain its hygienic condition well.
  • ●Use mild hair products and tools for hair styling.

What should I avoid to extend the durability of my hair patch system?

To increase the longevity of the hair patch hair replacement system, you should avoid some things listed below.

  • ●Avoided rough usage while sleeping
  • ●Prevent harsh hair brush
  • ●Avoid scrubbing
  • ●Avoid swimming in chlorine water that causes discolouration
  • ●Don’t use inappropriate shampoos 
  • ●Poor washing habits
  • ●Poor maintenance, etc.

How is hair patch treatment done?

Hair patch treatment is safe and simple and does not involve using any needles. The hair patch system is effectively designed according to the patient’s head area where there is maximum baldness.

Before getting the treatment for the hair patch, doctors examine some tests and then, according to the hair texture, hair colour, and hair cutting, design the perfect hair patch for their patient. The prosthetic hair patch perfectly sits on the scalp and is custom made to resemble the patient’s hair. That’s why they look much more natural than wigs. Moreover, wigs are mainly used for complete hair loss or bald scalp solutions. 

Hair patch treatment is painless and can be done with two methods: cosmetics glue and the other is a clip. Once you have done treatment, there are no repeat visits necessary. This treatment is completed in one sitting only. So, people can also resume normal life activities like bathing, swimming, etc.

Who is eligible for the Hair Patch hair replacement system?

Both men and women can opt for hair patch treatment. Even teenagers and older are eligible for this treatment. As this is a non-surgical hair replacement procedure, no general health issue is found in the history of non-surgical procedures.

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