How to Buy A Toupee that Look Real?

March 01, 2021 Blog Views: 1579

Can a toupee look real? The quick answer is yes. But you need to choose the right kind of toupee. There are many different kinds and brands of toupee. And choosing the right one will determine if you'll have a natural-looking hair replacement or if people will be able to tell if you're wearing a toupee or not. 

Male pattern baldness is no joke. It may seem like a simple cosmetic problem but the truth is, its effects go deeper than mere looks. People who suffer from hair loss also suffer from having low self-confidence. For many of these people, wearing a toupee is the only viable solution. The use is a simpler and more affordable solution compared to other means of hair replacement. 

But often, the choice of toupee can get them into more trouble. If their toupee is easily detectable, then that could lead to mockery and even discrimination. People who wear "fake hair" are considered laughable by society. They are often the subject of jokes. So it's only understandable for people suffering from hair loss to desire to have a realistic-looking hairpiece. But many are beginning to question if there really is such a thing. 

We are now living in a modern world and technologically-advanced solutions are already at our fingertips. In recent years, the hair replacement industry has seen significant improvements. This means that more realistic looking toupees are now available. So for people asking can a toupee looks real, they only need to browse through the modern hairpieces that are now available. 

Still, not all toupee brands are created equal. And not all hair clinics or salons are the same as well. So you need to be careful with your choice so here are some tips on how to choose a realistic-looking toupee. 

Natural hair is best 

If you want to have a toupee that looks real then you need to choose one made from real hair. A toupee made from real hair is superior to one that is made with synthetic hair in more ways than one. But many are tempted to choose synthetic over real hair mainly because it is cheaper. Toupees made with synthetic hair are also easier to clean and maintain than those made with real hair.


But what you should know about real hair is that it's worth it. The added cost is worth it and the effort that you need to put in caring for it is also worth it. Toupees made from synthetic hair are easily detectable. They look fake and they feel fake simply because they are fake. If you want a realistic-looking toupee then you really need to invest in real hair. 

Choose a handmade toupee 

Another choice that you'll need to make is between a handmade and a machine-made toupee. Machine-made toupees mass-produced and are generally cheaper than handmade ones. This is why they are a popular choice. 

But the problem with handmade toupees is that they are not as realistic looking as their handmade counterparts. This is because they usually don't blend well with a person's existing hair. So again, if you want a toupee that looks real, you need to invest in a handmade toupee. 

Make sure it fits right? 

When you're buying clothes, you want to make sure that it fits right. You should have the same attitude when you're buying a toupee. A toupee that doesn't fit will surely garner unwanted attention. So if you can, you should have yourself measured. 

If you're buying online, however, then you should make sure that all the measurements are correct before you make the purchase. The color of the toupee is alamo important. You need to make sure that it matches your existing hair for it to blend in well. 

Choose the right shop 

For people asking can a toupee look real, choosing the right shop is important. Whether you're buying in person or online, you need to choose the right shop. Choose a shop that has a reputation for producing and selling realistic-looking toupees. You may want to check out reviews and testimonials to see what people are saying about the shop. You also need to make sure that the shop is run by real experts.


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