What Hair System Wearers Notice v. What the General Public Notice

February 27, 2024 Hair Replacement for Men Views: 131

Today’s topic. A subscriber and friend of mine raised an interesting point about the difference between what hair system wearers notice and what the general public notices. From my experience, us hair system wearers (myself included, 100%) tend to lean towards perfectionism as a personality trait. We also often have anxious predispositions – I’m guilty of this myself. In fact, these traits likely drove us to seek solutions for our hair loss issues in the first place.


Lavivid Helios Hair System
While these traits have led us to explore options like hair systems (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), they can also lead to over-scrutinizing, which becomes counterproductive. Trust me, I’ve been there – constantly fussing over the tiniest details, like the perfection of the hairline. But here’s the truth: the general public doesn’t notice these things as much as we do.

For instance, take a look at my hairline. It’s not perfect, but it’s decent. Back when I was a super perfectionist, I’d obsess over it, constantly adjusting and readjusting to achieve the elusive perfect hairline. But really, it’s not worth the energy. Most people won’t even notice.

I’ve learned through psychology books and personal experience that people are far more concerned with themselves than with scrutinizing others. So, let’s not let our hair systems become monsters of perfectionism. Remember, we have these systems to rebuild our confidence, not to fuel anxiety and perfectionism.


Lavivid Adrian Hair System
So, my message to you all: don’t overthink it. If you find yourself obsessing, drop a comment below. Let’s talk about it. And remember, while details like blend and color are important, they don’t need to be perfect. Embrace imperfection, show yourself kindness, and focus on the positive feedback you’ve received from wearing your hair system.

Thanks for tuning in, bye for now.


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